Combined Serological Tests are more useful in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Combined Serological Tests are more useful in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Anti-CCP Antibody, Rheumatoid Factor IgM ELISA and Latex Agglutination Test

Scholar's Press ( 2017-12-21 )

€ 67,90

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Rheumatoid arthritis is a polyarticular and chronic inflammatory disease occurring throughout the world. To prevent significant joint damage, early diagnosis and proper treatment is of paramount importance. Though patients are diagnosed clinically supported by radiography and serological tests, early disease may present with non-specific arthritis and absence of specific radiographic findings. Though anti-CCP antibody can help significantly for the diagnosis 0f rheumatoid arthritis and may be found in early disease, recently some variability of the results have been observed in some studies. In this context this book and the current analysis can realistically provide a suggestion to the Doctors, Clinicians and anyone else interested in this field that combining multiple blood test results like anti-CCP antibody, RF IgM assay and RF Latex agglutination tests may provide an output that more strongly predicts clinical diagnosis.This book will also provied a concise, scientific review of Rheumatoid arthritis including the probable molecular mechanism in disease pathogenesis.It also highlighted some of the variabilities that may appear during autoantiboby titer estimation.

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By (author) :

Anindya Das

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